Online Voice Recorder

Click above to record your voice direct from your phone or computer mic

Get a link to share your voice recording online and download as an mp3!

Want automatic transcription, voice replies and to customise your voice recorder? Get:
telbee for Chrome
telbee for Chrome

Get an easy audio recorder in your browser!

Just click, record, and share your voice recording

Then listeners can send you voice replies! 

Want to receive voice recordings, automatically transcribed?

  • Customise voice and audio recorders to share share via your podcast, social media or email, or add to your website
  • Receive voice messages anywhere online with high quality audio and automatic transcription
  • Reply by voice to build relationships and trust - when it's convenient for you
  • Use telbee to enhance your podcast, grow sales, receive feedback, build your community, teach and coach, collect content, provide customer support and much more

Looking to integrate voice recorders and messaging into your website or web app?

We look forward to hearing from you, and will be very happy to work together to provide the best personal audio experience for your customers, visitors and audience - all while keeping voice message conversations easy and convenient for you